Curated Bouquets for Every Occasion

This is our expert florists' choice, a unique creation crafted with the freshest blooms and an artist's touch, ensuring a distinctive and magical bouquet.

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Perfect Complements for Your PAVIA Bouquet

Enhance our bouquet with our thoughtfully curated selection of vases and add-ons. Each piece, like our hand-painted El Carmen vase, reflects the artistry and natural charm of flowers, bringing sophistication and charm to any space. Available exclusively with a PAVIA bouquet, you can select one vase and up to three add-ons to create a harmonious floral ensemble that blends modern style with timeless tradition.

At PAVIA, we believe in the power of flowers to express our feelings,

bring us closer to those we love, connect us with nature, and fill our spaces with joy.

We invite you to discover this dream born from creativity and the experience of living among flowers.

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Brighten every moment with the magic of PAVIA. Receive your exquisite flowers, choose your favorite vase, and let the enchantment fill your space. Feel the PAVIA touch with every bouquet.

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